ChIMES Durations

*Data collection now closed*

*You will be contacted with instructions on how to access your data once the analysis is completed. Instructions will be published here as well.*

The aim of the study was to Characterise the relative contribution of Identity, Memory and Emotion perception in Super-recognisers (a small subset of the population who perform exceptionally well at recognising faces) and others. Understanding how easy it is for you to do these tasks will help us understand more about face recognition processing more generally.

In this study, you were asked to look at pairs of faces presented on a computer screen and make a decision about the faces presented - were the faces of the same person or different people? You will then use a keyboard to record the decision you made. You will be asked to repeat this a number of times and for a number of different sets of faces; some of the faces will have expression (e.g., happy or sad) and others will be neutral. In addition, to vary the challenge of the task, sometimes the faces will be presented upright and other times upside down.

PhD Student: Isabel Gillert:
